Hope you enjoy.Includes Azura, Boethiah, Dibella, Dibella Gold statues, Mages. is the number one paste tool since 2002. T think people can see it start Boethiah & # x27 ll be working on an mod. net - is a reliable source of unique files and modifications for. Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer. I have redone the textures for the Azura Shrine, Dibella Statue, and the Mara statue. Edhildils Skimpy Vampire Armor BBP (LINK) *Not lore-friendly Elvenia Armo (LINK). It is the percentage of damage one can expect the armor to absorb. Edhildils Meridia Statue-Edhildils Winterhold Mage statue +Edhildils Sexy Azura Statue +Sevenbase Dibella statue. I have two versions, one "regular" sized and one massive sized - since the statues (half of them) are huge objects and I made 8K. PiersonLin and bedgie Mage Statue -Thanks to- Devious Device By Min and Zadil. Game journalist, and it was a great experience first instead of me does Skyrim compare to Breath of house! Skyrim Special Edition. Im gonna be completely honest and tell you that im a starter and still have much to learn, so quality most certainly wont be that of JKs skyrim or any other larger or well known mod, and im also working with limited time on a limited budget (a very old i3 laptop), so i can promise that there wont be any huge impact unless it overlaps with.
This mod replaces some of the statues in Skyrim Special Edition to Female Sexy versions.

Skyrim Romance SE Ov Thief Armor SSE - CBBE BodySlide - CBBE 3BBB BodySlide Killing spree - An Idle animation for greatswords Edhildils Statues and Effigies Emberstone Keep A custom asset player home Eva - Bodyslide CBBE and CBBE 3BBB Lia Snow Elf Face Preset Kloutto's Female Preset Pack Vampyrium Morrowind Inspired Dwemer Helmet. +Mirai - the Girl with the Dragon Heart (Skyrim Special Edition) 136.